The Top 10 Commercial Mowers of All Time | |
Reality aside, we will take a stab in a no holds barred, Top 10, Hall of Mower Fame. Although ProParts Direct is a leading parts retailer, our parent company, Turf Depot has nearly 75 years of retail experience in the lawn and garden industry. We didn’t take this assignment lightly, in fact, it’s become a hot topic in the office!
It’s important to note that our unofficial lineup is based on our experience and not scientific study. Our Top 10 Commercial Mowers are the mowers that have helped shape our industry.( Literally)
Here we go...
10. Toro 48 T-bar (30197 I think) The Toro T-Bar is a classic. Before hydros you had belt drive and before belt drive, well you get the point. The T bar gave you the steering control of a hydro but at the belt drive price. Many landscapers would die for this machine. The machine could take a beating and with minimal adjustment, be back in the field. In its heyday, the T-Bar was the go-to mower for many landscape crews.

9. Walker GHS48 – Walker loyalists are probably upset that the beloved GHS48 only made the nine spot. Walkers are great machines, offering one of the best cuts money can buy. They helped put the Kohler EFI engine on the map. Only down side you have to pull engine to replace spark plugs.
8. Stc52a-23Ka – If you’re a Scag fan, the Tiger Cub is the machine. Scag, showing its true colors, built a solid machine. At the time, it had a high price tag compared to other machines. The bottom line is that Tiger Cub was a professional machine for professional landscapers. What more can be said?
Scag Tiger Cub 52" Rider
7. Toro52 Grandstand with 19hp"- Join the revolution! Innovation, innovation, and more Innovation! The Grandstand is the newest mower on our list. The warranty on the grandstand alone makes it a worthy contender. First fold up platform. Toro nailed it!

6.TT5217KAC – Exmark had some golden years. This walk behind offered the finest from Exmark with ECS handles, Floating deck, electric start and the Famed Ultra-Cut deck. Exmark must have been drafting engineers out of MIT early these years. The equipment in this time period established Exmark as a leader in the mowing industry.
5. Wright Stander fixed deck 52 (mid 2000's) – Wright stander hit a niche market hard and well. This fixed deck 52 was the answer for hills and maneuverability. Moving weight over the drive tires allows this machine to grip hills like a new set of Goodyear tires. Some may say this machine put the nail in the coffin for Great Dane.

4.Snapper SW 30 – Most will scoff at this pick if they have had a Snapper Pro for a while. Although the Snapper Pro walk behind was known to have some issues with the bearing in the transmission. This mower ranks at #4 because of its great price point! Hydro drive, floating deck, electric start, and horsepower make it a must have. At a time when walk behinds are pricier than some riders this is a great mower.
Now for the TOP 3...
3. M48-15Ka – Exmark’s metro line of walk behind mowers offered the ECS handle system that basically said to every other brand put up or shut up. At a 48” cut this walk behind was comfortable to use and you didn’t have the shakes after a full day of operation. Good design, great mower.
2.Swz52A-17Ka – This is Scag’s offering in the walk behind arena. This machine was virtually bullet proof. Extremely well built with 10 gauge steel through its frame and a Kawasaki Engine. This was a cold hard commercial mower. It is not uncommon to see these beasts roaming the CT and NJ Area.

1.LHP5223KA – This classic from Exmark set the standard on commercial riders. The first machine to have a catching system that worked. It was a nimble machine that had the right power and offered an excellent cut. It helped put Exmark on the map so much it had a 10 year run.
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